These are
our mountains
Two beers, five different styles, each one unique. At our mountain brewery, we make organic beers for people who want to live with gusto, in a healthy and sustainable way.

Every moment
has a special flavour
Unique flavours are the result of simple ingredients. Spring water, barley malt, hops and yeast: simple and wholesome raw materials selected from the best certified organic farming crops.


Christmas Beer

Our organic beers
dressed to celebrate!
Our Christmas Edition beer are warming up the atmosphere with their spicy scent. A perfect gift to drink with your friends and family in front of the fireplace.
Strong Ale
75 cl / 1.5 l
Disposable glass - Cardboard box for the 75 cl version - Wooden box for the 1.5 l magnum version

An organic beer with a fresh and balanced flavour.
Brigà encompasses the excellence of Pian della Mussa water and the best organic ingredients. It is available in five variants: Lager, Bock, Blanche, India Pale Ale and non-filtered.
Lager / Bock / Blanche / India Pale Ale / Unfiltered
33 cl / 50 cl / 75 cl / 20 ll
Disposable glass – 33 cl x24 / 50 cl x12 / 75 clx6
Keg – 20 l x1

Italian tradition bottled in five different variants.
Albaron is the mountain beer produced with certified organic raw materials. It is bottled at 1432 metres, at a stone’s throw away from the Albaron spring.
Lager / Bock / Blanche / India Pale Ale / Unfiltered
33 cl / 50 cl / 75 cl / 20 l
Disposable glass – 33 cl x24 / 50 cl x12 / 75 clx6
Keg – 20 l x1